January Week 3 Control

“We cannot control the external events around us, but we can control our reactions to them.”


Today at breakfast or with your coffee or tea, remind yourself of what is in your control. Your mind, and the way you choose to think.

Then at lunch, pause again and remind yourself of what is in your control. Your mind.

Dinner comes and it’s the same thought process, because it is a process, and a retraining. Reminding yourself that all you can control is your mind. Take notice and a few minutes to reflect if the day is proceeding a little differently. How are you viewing the day’s events? Remind yourself that most of what happens is out of your control. But what you can control is your response, and how you think about what occurs.  Consider being a spectator to your thoughts.

Allow yourself to find more clarity and calm by not seeking what is outside of your control. Go inward.


January Week 4 Control


January week 2 Control