January week 2 Control
The mind, to ensure that it remains in control, seeks continuously to cover up the present moment with past and future, and so, as the vitality and infinite creative potential of Being, which is inseparable from the Now, becomes covered up by time, your true nature becomes obscured by the mind.
—Eckart Tolle
This week we focus on what is in our control, to feel more empowered instead of defeated. Mindfulness can guide us to be more in control of our desires, opinions and actions.
* When you are present, you are not reliving the past or worrying about the future.
* You recognize that thoughts come and go, and you are not your thoughts.
* You focus on and engage in what you do
* You allow your feelings to flow, acknowledging them, yet understanding they are impermanent.
* You practice non-judgement, most importantly towards yourself.
Take careful notice of who is at the center of control, it is you. It’s an understanding that this process of changing control, begins and ends with you. You take a pause and access your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. Control of yourself is up to you.