“Move and the way will open.”
Zen Proverb
Mindfulness In Educational Institutions
Learn how to integrate mindfulness, yoga-based movement and social/emotional learning into classrooms or groups to support and enhance standards and participant outcomes. The hands-on tools augment existing school curricula and support classroom intervention programs such as PBIS. These tools also support therapeutic interventions for depression, anxiety, and ADHD.
Yoga Calm?
An integration of Yoga movement, mindfulness, and social/emotional learning that you can bring to your work with children and teens. It is guided by the principles of Stillness, Listening, Strength, Grounding and Community. There are over 60 lessons that can be implemented for 5 minutes or 40 minutes.
As a lifelong educator, I had the opportunity to observe the benefits of physical activity for all populations. Considering the rigor of today's academic lessons, I now recognize the need for actively implementing breathing techniques, yoga-based movement, mindfulness, and guided relaxation, to create a “relaxed-alert” state optimal for learning. Relaxed breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, calming the body. (Hanson, R., 2007) This physically changes the brain’s neural pathways. To counter the impact of today’s high-stress, fast-paced world, Yoga Calm®, was founded by Jim and Lynea Gillen. It is an integrated approach to wellness curriculum used in schools, hospitals, and community-based settings. yogacalm.org.