January Week 4 Control

“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength."

Marcus Aurelius

This week after setting the tone for the past three weeks of you controlling your mind, you are ready to take actionable steps.  What causes you stress or discomfort? Categorize each item, or person into what you can control and what you cannot. Write it down, it becomes real. Now focus on your reactions to the areas you cannot control. Spend some time considering the following questions. Do you pause and respond, or do you react, even overreact and continue this endless cycle? Causing more suffering for yourself. We know that neuroplasticity means we can change the way we think. Reflect on changing your perspective. Would this lead to less stress in your own life?

What about the things in your control? Here is where you can focus on a plan to benefit your own wellness. Start to think in terms of systems instead of goals. For example, if you want to feel healthier, you can move each day.  The system is you will plan to move for 30 minutes a day. Ultimately there is a goal, to be healthier, but in this view, you are creating a daily habit, a process to get there. It can be any form of movement, so it’s less restrictive than saying I will run 3 miles a day, and more than likely you will stay on track. You could dance, stretch, lift weights, rake leaves, garden, swim, walk. 

Staying present is always important when we make changes in our perspective and thought system. Recognizing when we fall back into our old patterns of worry, rumination, or reactivity, that we always have this minute to get present again. 



Discipline Week 1


January Week 3 Control