Transformation Week 4

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.”

—Victor E. Frankel

Creating “space” as Frankel refers to in his famous quote or as a “Pause” is a critical step in transformation. In a recent discussion on transforming, when I asked the participant what was holding them back, they answered my mindset must change. Consider conscious choice-making, instead of impulsive decision-making.  When we decide without thought, we go back to our old ways or methods, not allowing for a brief space or the pause to contemplate making the healthier choice.  

Transformation is a process that is greatly aided by being present, taking a pause before reacting, and allowing ourselves grace when we slip back to our old ways. We can learn to reflect on WHY when we slip up, instead of negatively judging ourselves. Many times, it is out of an emotional reaction, either from lack of sleep, an external negative event, a person that has triggered us, or something out of our control. Once we determine the reason, we can decide to accept the now and give ourselves the gift of the freedom to make better life choices.


Listening Week 1


Transformation Week 3