February 2024 - Week 2 Silence

“Pay more attention to the silence than to the sounds. Paying attention to outer silence creates inner silence: the mind becomes still. A portal is opening up.”

-Eckhart Tolle

You may be wondering how a period of silence can benefit us to be more open-minded? Silence gives us the chance to slow down, find calm, and restore even for a few minutes a day.  Silence allows the inner voice to surface that aids focus and concentration, possibly improving productivity. Incorporating silence into everyday life can open the door for more creativity, and deepened self-reflection. When practiced regularly, a short period of silence will encourage patience and aid in daily challenges.

 It is a mind swap, going from constant noise and distraction to quiet and tranquility. For all of us, it is a practice since we are so accustomed to “background noise”. Not to say that music, podcasts, television, and conversation do not have a place in our lives. The key is “a place in our lives”.

If you are willing to get a daily dose of silence, on your path to becoming more open-minded, here is how to begin. Short periods, that are consistent, and then connect the practice with another of your daily rituals. For example, after dinner, and clean up, add your two minutes of silence. Find a comfortable position, maybe close your eyes, and concentrate on your breath. As you get comfortable with the practice of Silence, try adding another minute.


GQ, Get Quiet.


February 2024 - Week 3 Opinions


February 2024 - Week 1 Open-minded