February 2024 - Week 1 Open-minded

“It is only when the mind is open and receptive that learning and seeing and change can occur. “

-Jon Kabot-Zinn

This month we will focus on becoming more open-minded.  People can develop the attitude to be open-minded, even on subjects that they previously had fixed opinions on. But why would we, what are the benefits? Being open-minded encourages learning new things, especially about yourself, you become mentally stronger, and feel more optimistic. Last month we discovered how vital to our lives learning something new was, (Do Hard Things, January Week 2) creating not just willpower, but more will to live. This is another advantage of not being close-minded.

Characteristics of an open-minded person include being curious to hear what others think, which will guide you to become a better listener. Everyone wants to be heard, and you can become that person who genuinely listens to others. The open-minded person is also one who is overall more resilient when faced with challenges.

This week just observe your thoughts, just see what comes up for you as daily living brings up a closed-mind reaction. Notice first. Then if you wish to take another step, consider an alternative view or a broader perspective. Try this, tightly close your fist, then slowly open and release the tension. This is what our mind is like when we are contracted and closed in our thinking. Release the tension. 


February 2024 - Week 2 Silence


January 2024 - Week 4 Awakening