February 2024 - Week 3 Opinions

“The more opinions you have, the less you will see.”

-Wim Wenders

We all know those people who are on one side of the line or the other on an issue, it is black, or it is white. When you begin to talk about the opposing view or the grey area, they have already tuned you out.

Try going inward for a minute and think if there is an area that you see only one side of. Is there a reason for your steadfast opinion on this subject, maybe an experience, or a doctrine that has been taught to you in childhood?  Would it be possible to read about the “other side” of the issue or listen to a Ted Talk on the subject? When we give a chance for the other opinion to be heard we become more open-minded. It does not mean you have to change your values or be compromised in any way. It will give us the space to accept differences, and possibly become more understanding. A side benefit of this is to become a more intentional listener. This week begin to notice your opinions. Is there room for another look, at the other side or the grey area? 


February 2024 - Week 4 Breaking out of Patterned Behaviors


February 2024 - Week 2 Silence