January 2024 - Week 4 Awakening

“Rituals are the formulas by which harmony is restored.”

-Mitch Albom

This month was one of reflection, awakening to our own self, not judging but more of building the muscle of awareness. You became aware of last year’s accomplishments, challenges you may want to attempt, and what gives you joy. You may have noticed which areas, physical, emotional, intellectual, professional, or spiritual, where you are strong and resilient, and the areas that need more attention. Observe the language, “needs more attention” already the tone is set to improve, not be critical. This fourth week of January, spend some time on just one of the five focus areas that you can build on. Sometimes when people want to feel balanced the tendency is to set goals or changes in too many areas. This creates excess pressure because you are stretched thin in too many areas, progress becomes harder and quitting easier. Instead choose one area to focus on that you can dedicate time and effort.


In my experience, when you create rituals in your day and have a plan of what you want to accomplish, you are more successful in completing the desired action. Decide when, where, and how you will work in that area. There is also research that indicates writing down your plan is helpful in completing the action. Contemplate, write it, start it. 


February 2024 - Week 1 Open-minded


January 2024 - Week 3 Awakening