Patience Week 4

"When you are tempted to lose your patience with someone just think of how patient someone has been with you.”

— Jay Shetty

The past few weeks we have examined patience from several angles. When we lose it, when we use it, and how we relate patience to ourselves. The first step to change is always awareness. How aware are you of your own actions regarding patience?

When I consider Jay’s quote it makes me think of educators who I observed showing extreme patience and allowing for “wait time" with students. In my own experience of teaching graduate counseling students, I practiced wait time. I would ask a question and literally just sit there until the student I had selected would answer. I did this so they would have the experience of being under pressure to answer a question, as they would be working in a school setting. The teachers I witnessed doing this would be expressing an attitude of, you can do this to the students. A much different attitude, and one of total encouragement. Do you ever practice that concept of giving someone just a little time to get it, or are you quiet, as I was not offering help? There is a huge difference. Maybe you do it for them or speak for them, also not helpful. 

This week try giving someone the gift of wait time, allowing them to think through their answer or action. Be encouraging, and open to accepting that it may be a challenge for them.


Flow Week 1


Patience Week 3