Listening Week 3

“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.”

-Ernest Hemingway

Over the past two weeks, the focal point was on the negatives of listening. This week we pay attention to how to positively practice mindful listening or HEAR.*

1. HALT: Halt whatever you are doing and give your full attention.

2. ENJOY: Enjoy a breath as you make the choice to receive whatever is being communicated to you, wanted or unwanted.

3. ASK:  Ask yourself if you understand what they mean, if you do not understand, ask for clarification. Instead of making assumptions, bring openness and curiosity to the conversation. Say, tell me more. You may discover something new!

4. REFLECT:  Reflect back to them what you heard. This tells them you are listening.

These are four simple steps to becoming a more thoughtful listener, someone who appreciates a connection with another person. The decision to become a better listener is especially relevant with your loved ones.  A significant other, children, parents, and friends, the people who are most important in our lives will benefit. By giving them our full listening attention and our energy, we create stronger bonds as an outcome, building on existing relationships.

Adapted from, 2/24/2023


Listening Week 4


Listening Week 2