
In meditation, we let things simply be, as they are. Time spent in the practice non-doing, or non-striving helps us realize that whatever is already here is good enough, even if it is unpleasant, it is enough. Jan. 20, 2021

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Non-striving is a practice that is one, simply put, of being. We are human beings, yet we are human doings much of the time. When we allow ourselves to just “be” we are in the present moment. Not ruminating about the past or worrying about the future but living and being in the present. Practicing present moment awareness.

Non-striving does not mean we do not have goals and aspirations. Non-striving does mean that we pause long enough to notice if what we are seeking is what we desire. Try to stop getting caught up in the outcome and be present for the process. Take a minute today to just be.


Letting Go

