Transformation Week 2

“I think being still and being silent and finding your own space is so important in this hectic world.”

—Jay Shetty

Hopefully this past week you paid more attention to the present moment. Even if you merely recognized when you were worrying about the future or ruminating about the past it is a start. Building the muscle of awareness. First you notice, then you choose to move towards transforming or stay where you are.  

Jay Shetty talks about three types of people who wait on a grocery line. The first one keeps moving to get on the fastest-moving checkout. The second one picks a line and sticks with it no matter what. The third takes a pause and observes the lines. They then decide to move or stay. Which are you? Is this also the way you approach a challenge? What if we could be more like person number three? Pause, observe then act, sticking with what is or trying something new.

This week observe yourself, be a spectator to your thoughts, routines, and actions. If you find yourself “stuck”, Pause and take a breath. Then walk away from the situation to give it space.  


Transformation Week 3


Transformation Week 1