Week 2 Loving-Kindness to Those We Love

“We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all.”

—Amit Ray, Yoga and Vipassana: An Integrated LIfe Style

Hopefully, you started the Metta practice last week and focused on yourself, sending compassionate words of kindness three times a day. This week it gets easier, sending the words to those we love. Loving-kindness does start within, but it can be difficult for some people. This next part may be easier. Ideally, we would continue the individual practice and this next one. Everything is a practice. 

Think about one person living or not, or multiple people, or a group of people, or possibly you are already open enough to send these messages to every life that touches yours. It doesn’t matter, small or extensive, the practice builds on itself.

To repeat last week’s practice:

May I be safe

May I be healthy

May I be happy

May I be at ease

May I be filled with loving-kindness

May I be peaceful

And then sending to those we love:

May you be safe

May you be healthy

May you be happy 

May you be at ease

May you be filled with loving-kindness

May you be peaceful

Three times a day, a small step to creating a more compassionate world. 


Cindy and Jen Featured on the “Elevating Resilience with Ang Teeple” Podcast


Week 1 Loving-Kindness to Self