Week 1 Loving-Kindness to Self

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”


This is what I wish for everyone, loving-kindness, that can be practiced with a metta meditation.  Even the thought of loving-kindness brings a smile to my face and fills my heart with joy. Just imagine a world where everyone thought about being kind, made it a mission, and considered it as critical to daily life as eating and drinking. A day was not complete unless one performed an act of generosity. It can happen, all it takes is for each one of us to adopt the practice.

This week starts small, give yourself the gift of loving-kindness. Research tells us that loving-kindness must start within ourselves. It seems simple, yet so many people do not treat themselves with love, with kindness, with generosity of spirit. You might be asking yourself how do I do this? Think of yourself as your best friend because you are. “In metta, we work to develop feelings of ease and love as boundless as the oceans that nourish and sustain our world,” writes Buddhist teacher Josh Korda. Compassion towards ourselves.

Try this week to repeat these phrases at least three times during each day.

May I be safe
May I be healthy
May I be happy
May I be at ease
May I be filled with loving-kindness
May I be peaceful

Each day is for you to cherish yourself, with loving-kindness and compassion first.


Week 2 Loving-Kindness to Those We Love


Week 4 Evening Ritual