Week 2 Calming Rituals

 “Inspiration can be found in daily life.”

- Cynthia O’Connell

Hopefully last week you were able to compile a list of your habits and routines. Did you notice any patterns? Was there a time of day when you did certain things? Maybe you were thinking I have no time in my day for any set “routines”, and that may be true, especially if you have young children or are a caretaker.

But what if the suggestion was to start building one or two-minute calming rituals into your day. Think of it as a PAUSE, a time to regroup, rest, or reset.

Everyone has a choice and the power to build a calming ritual into their day. Lately, when I speak at events, the message is for all to leave with one calming ritual. I offer suggestions, but authentic ritual comes from you. The important factor is to set a time that works for you. I have specific rituals for the morning, midday, and before bed.

Here are some ideas for a one to two-minute ritual break. Try one or all and then figure out which one resonates with you. 

Calming Rituals to sprinkle throughout your day.

  1. Take 3 breaths, slowly inhaling and then exhaling through the nose

  2. Take a mindful walk, even for 1 minute, feel your feet on the ground.

  3. Swing your arms – 2 minutes – reset the nervous system.

  4. Reflect on, What went well today? Write it down.

  5. Do a 1-minute stretch!

  6. Imagine yourself in your favorite place, even if it exists only in your imagination.

  7. Start a gratitude journal.

  8. Visualize yourself doing what you love!

  9. Nature is healing. Go outside, or look out the window. 

  10. Stand with your body against a wall. Feel your feet grounded. Find a word that means serenity to you.

The key is when we practice daily, and it becomes part of our nature when we have a challenge during the day. We can follow these three steps: we can acknowledge it, address it, and return to homeostasis through the calming ritual. 


Week 3 Morning Ritual


Week 1 Habits, Routines, or Rituals?