Week 1 Habits, Routines, or Rituals?

“There is a comfort in rituals, and rituals provide a framework for stability when you are trying to find answers.”

Deborah Norville

It seems every time I speak to a group lately, the topic of a daily wellness “routine“or the lack of one comes up.  I refer to my own wellness practices as rituals. It made me start to think about the words: habits, routines, and finally rituals.

Habits are actions we do automatically, many times without thought. Putting on your seat belt in the car, brushing your teeth, checking your phone for messages. Basically, we are on autopilot.  

Routines are actions we perform in the same manner or order. There is an organization about them and some planning. Examples would be doing laundry, grocery shopping, and maybe at work, first checking email then writing reports.

Rituals are more meaningful practices, what matters is the intentionality. Maybe your family has rituals around holidays, birthdays, or religion. For me, habits and routines are the monotonous tasks that need to be completed daily, and at times admittedly multitasking.

Rituals take on the next level, paying purposeful attention, being fully present, and mindful of how I feel while performing and after. I am working on viewing even the most mundane task as “I get to do this", which changes the mindset around it.

This week notice, and then reflect on how you approach the day-to-day. What are your habits? Routines? Do you have any Rituals? What is your thought process as you go about your day?


Week 2 Calming Rituals


March Meditation: More Possibilities Week 5