March Mantra Meditation Week 3

This week you can practice mantra meditation to see if this method would work for you. First find a comfortable seat, on a chair or the floor. You will gently close your eyes and then start to repeat the same phrase over and over. I would suggest something simple, such as Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, which is Sanskrit for Peace, Peace, Peace. Another choice would be So hum again in Sanskrit, translated to I am. You can chant a mantra aloud, whisper, or repeat it in your mind. As your mind wanders away, refocus back on the mantra. Starting small, even 2-5 minutes, a short consistent practice is more beneficial for the mind and body. 

Please note that this is not Transcendental Meditation, which is a very specific and detailed training. It is an alternative technique to focusing on the breath. The Transcendental Meditation technique is one that is practiced twice a day for twenty minutes, sitting comfortably. With this technique, you silently repeat a mantra in your head that was selected for you by a certified teacher of Transcendental Meditation. 


March Meditation Practice Week 4


March Movement Meditation Week 2