March Mindfulness Meditation Week 1

 "Training the mind to think differently, through meditation, is one important way to avoid suffering." 

-Dalai Lama 

March represents new beginnings, as the spring season will be here in a few weeks. Meditation represents new beginnings to me, as every practice can bring new insights. Each week this month I will offer insights into meditation, describing different methods and suggesting ways to implement them into your day. Think of meditation as food for your mind, just as you eat food for your body.

The goal of meditation is not to be the best at sitting silently—it's about taking the practice into your life. To be a more compassionate person, kinder, happier, and more content. 

As a mindfulness meditation educator, I understand that it is difficult for many people to commit. I started teaching this technique of following the breath for 2 minutes upon waking up. Not even getting out of bed but making meditation the first thing you do. This creates the mind-body connection so one is more present to start the day.

Here is the technique.

You wake up and just lay in bed. Place the hands on the chest if that is comfortable for you.

Breathing in through the nose and exhaling through the nose. Take 10 breaths of a 5-count duration to inhale, and 5 counts to exhale. As thoughts come in, they will acknowledge the thought but allow them to pass, and come back to your breath. Each time you come back to your breath; you are meditating. It is a focus, and a refocus. Do not be concerned about timing the 2 minutes. Just breathe! 

As with any new training it takes patience and consistency. You are learning to retrain your mind, so it does not control you. 


March Movement Meditation Week 2


February 2024 - Week 4 Breaking out of Patterned Behaviors