January 2024 - Week 1 Awakening

“If every day is an awakening, you will never grow old. You will just keep growing.”

Gail Sheehy

Happy New Year! Gail Sheehy’s message is one that values the opportunity we have each day. What are you seeking in 2024? Have you made a list of resolutions, or are you open to another way to approach the new year?


Try this practice in self-reflection. Set aside a few minutes to look back on this past year and write down how you grew. Some things that come to mind may seem small or insignificant. I believe that is not the case. All growth deserves consideration and appreciation.  What may appear as small, may have taken many days, weeks, or months to finally complete. I start a list and then come back to it as things pop into my mind.  You could even designate by categories; physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and professional. There is no right or wrong method.


We often do not give ourselves any credit for our accomplishments. Consider this, how do we set goals if we do not know what we have already achieved? 


January 2024 - Week 2 Awakening “Do Hard Things”


Finding Peace- Week 4