30 Days of Gratitude

“Gratitude is a verb”

Jay Shetty

Gratitude is also a recent addition to the Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness. Jon Kabot Zinn felt the need to add gratitude because, “Gratitude allows you to bring attention to all the good in your life keeping you from wallowing on all the things going wrong.” Jay Shetty believes if we build the action of gratitude into our lives, it becomes our focus and opens more positive possibilities. Our current reality can change.

This November I will post 30 days of Gratitude. Each day there will be another example of how we can practice this together. If you have been considering starting a gratitude journal, this month can give you the start on this path. If some of the ideas presented are difficult for you, then consider just one aspect of it. For example, maybe you do not have perfect health, most of us do not, but if you are able to read this right now that is something to be grateful for. If one of my suggestions does not resonate with you can substitute your own idea.

I am grateful for:

Day I

Myself. Everything starts with you!

Day 2

My health

Day 3

Inner Peace

Day 4


Day 5

My Strengths

Day 6


Day 7

Family and friends who are like family.

Day 8

Friends and pets who are our friends.

Day 9


Day 10

People who make me happy.

Day 11

My wellness routine

Day 12

An accomplishment

Day 13

A person or group who supported me

Day 14


Day 15

A person who inspires me

Day 16

My ability to be resilient

Day 17

Failures, they guide us to change

Day 18

Challenges, offering us lifelong growth

Day 19

Nature, it heals us

Day 20

Food and water that nourishes my body and mind.

Day 21

My Freedom

Day 22


Day 23


Day 24


Day 25

Favorite Memories

Day 26

My ability to change

Day 27


Day 28


Day 29

What I already have

Day 30

Someone I can do something for without outcome, Spead the gratitude.


Finding Peace- Week 4

