Thinking Week 3

"You have power over your mind—not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength."

— Marcus Aurelius

Remember we can change the way we think. The first week we paid attention to our thoughts, without judgement, noticing the negative thoughts.  The second week we attempted to notice the space between thoughts, the pause or the ma. This week we will attempt to not get caught up in the negative thoughts. There is always a choice of what we want to focus on. We can go down the rabbit hole of negative and repetitive thoughts or we can choose to have the power over our mind, as Marcus reminds us.  How do we do that? The first step is to notice the pattern. When we sense the repetitive stream of thoughts piling up, we have a choice. Stay with it, or do a mind switch, acknowledge and move on to something that is within your control. Then begin to focus on the pause between thoughts, giving yourself a few minutes.  The next step is we can move. Take a short walk, move even for two minutes, because movement can create the space or the pause you need. We open the space for a mind shift. This is a huge habit change, so give yourself grace, time and kindness as you attempt to have more control over your thoughts. No one should be a prisoner in their own mind. The key is practice. 


Thinking Week 4


Thinking Week 2