Discipline Week 3

“We should discipline ourselves in small things, and from these progress to things of greater value.”

— Marcus Aurelius

You may be thinking the Stoics had less distractions than we do today, it was easy for them to practice self-discipline. Self-discipline was considered a core value that required constant practice, effort, and actions that may cause discomfort. It was considered a continuous process of self-improvement, that focused on what was within their control.

According to Merriam Webster dictionary the meaning of Self-discipline is correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement.  Is improvement a quality you want?  Reflect on that for a few minutes. When we think self-discipline and self-improvement go hand in hand, perhaps it may make it easier for you to follow through with whatever it is you keep putting off.

The question becomes why does it appear easier for some people to build self-discipline into their life and for others it is an ongoing struggle? Can we change? I am presenting a lot of questions in this week’s blog but ones that are worth self-reflecting, especially if you believe you do not possess self- discipline.

Look back at Marcus’s quote, it’s basically saying small steps in small things can create more self-discipline. What is a small step you can take today towards improvement? Maybe it's sitting quietly for two minutes. Maybe taking a ten-minute gratitude walk through your neighborhood. Maybe writing in a journal about self-discipline. The possibilities are endless, think small, think practice. 


Discipline Week 2